Inconsistent HTTP Visibility in Wireshark for Azure API Calls from C# vs. Python and CURL: Unraveling the Mystery
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Inconsistent HTTP Visibility in Wireshark for Azure API Calls from C# vs. Python and CURL: Unraveling the Mystery

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Have you ever encountered a situation where you’re trying to debug Azure API calls using Wireshark, but the HTTP traffic visibility seems inconsistent between different programming languages? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the peculiar case of inconsistent HTTP visibility in Wireshark for Azure API calls from C#, Python, and CURL, and provide you with actionable insights to overcome this challenge.

The Problem Statement

Imagine you’re developing a .NET application in C# that makes API calls to Azure. You fire up Wireshark to capture the HTTP traffic, expecting to see the request and response payloads. But, to your surprise, the HTTP traffic is either not visible or incomplete. You try the same API call using Python or CURL, and voilà! The HTTP traffic is visible in Wireshark as expected. What’s going on?

The Root Cause: SSL/TLS Encryption and Wireshark’s Limitations

The primary reason for this inconsistency lies in the way different programming languages and tools handle SSL/TLS encryption. By default, Azure API calls use SSL/TLS encryption to secure the communication. Wireshark can decrypt SSL/TLS traffic, but only if it has access to the private key or the pre-master secret. Without this information, Wireshark can’t decrypt the traffic, making it invisible.

C# and Azure API Calls: The Inconsistent Visibility

In C#, when you make an Azure API call using the `HttpClient` class, the traffic is encrypted using SSL/TLS. The .NET framework takes care of the encryption and decryption process, making it transparent to the developer. However, this also means that Wireshark can’t access the private key or pre-master secret, resulting in incomplete or missing HTTP traffic visibility.

using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "your_access_token");
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("");

Workaround for C#: Enable SSL/TLS Debugging

To make the HTTP traffic visible in Wireshark when using C#, you can enable SSL/TLS debugging. This will allow Wireshark to access the pre-master secret and decrypt the traffic. To do this, add the following code before making the Azure API call:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
System.Net.Security.SslStream.ShowCertificateErrors = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

Keep in mind that enabling SSL/TLS debugging can compromise the security of your application. Use this workaround only for debugging purposes and remove it before deploying your application to production.

Python and Azure API Calls: The Visible Traffic

When using Python to make Azure API calls, the traffic is also encrypted using SSL/TLS. However, Python’s `requests` library, which is commonly used for making HTTP requests, doesn’t use the system’s SSL/TLS configuration by default. Instead, it uses its own SSL/TLS implementation, which can be configured to use a specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite.

import requests

response = requests.get("", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer your_access_token"})

By default, Wireshark can decrypt the SSL/TLS traffic from Python’s `requests` library because it uses a specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite that Wireshark can handle. This makes the HTTP traffic visible in Wireshark without any additional configuration.

CURL and Azure API Calls: The Command-Line Visibility

CURL, being a command-line tool, doesn’t have the same SSL/TLS configuration as C# or Python. When you use CURL to make an Azure API call, the traffic is encrypted using SSL/TLS, but Wireshark can decrypt it because CURL uses a specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite that Wireshark can handle.

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_access_token'

Similar to Python’s `requests` library, CURL’s SSL/TLS configuration is transparent to Wireshark, making the HTTP traffic visible without any additional configuration.

Comparison of HTTP Visibility in Wireshark

Programming Language/Tool Default SSL/TLS Configuration HTTP Traffic Visibility in Wireshark
C# (.NET) System’s SSL/TLS configuration Inconsistent or missing
Python (requests) Specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite Visible
CURL Specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite Visible

Best Practices for Debugging Azure API Calls with Wireshark

To ensure consistent HTTP traffic visibility in Wireshark for Azure API calls, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent SSL/TLS configuration across all programming languages and tools.
  2. Enable SSL/TLS debugging in C# applications, but only for debugging purposes.
  3. Use Python’s `requests` library with a specific SSL/TLS version and cipher suite that Wireshark can handle.
  4. Use CURL with its default SSL/TLS configuration.
  5. Verify that Wireshark has access to the private key or pre-master secret for decryption.


Inconsistent HTTP visibility in Wireshark for Azure API calls from C#, Python, and CURL can be frustrating, but it’s not a mystery that can’t be solved. By understanding the root cause of the issue and applying the workarounds and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to debug your Azure API calls with confidence. Remember, visibility is key to debugging and troubleshooting, and with Wireshark, you can unlock the secrets of your HTTP traffic.

Further Reading

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of inconsistent HTTP visibility in Wireshark for Azure API calls from C#, Python, and CURL with our expert Q&A session!

Why does Wireshark show HTTP traffic for Azure API calls from Python and CURL but not from C#?

This inconsistency is likely due to the way these programming languages handle HTTP connections. Python and CURL use system-level networking APIs, which Wireshark can capture, whereas C# uses the .NET Framework’s abstracted networking layer, which might not be captured by Wireshark by default. To fix this, you can try enabling the “Loopback” adapter in Wireshark or using a tool like Fiddler to proxy the C# HTTP traffic.

How can I enable the Loopback adapter in Wireshark to capture C# HTTP traffic?

To enable the Loopback adapter in Wireshark, go to Capture > Options > Manage Interfaces. Then, click the “New” button and select “Loopback” as the interface type. Click “OK” to save the changes. Restart Wireshark and start capturing traffic again. This should allow you to see the C# HTTP traffic.

What if I’m using a proxy server in my C# application? Can I still capture HTTP traffic?

Yes, you can still capture HTTP traffic even if you’re using a proxy server in your C# application. You can configure Wireshark to capture traffic on the proxy server’s IP address and port. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Fiddler, which can act as a proxy server and capture HTTP traffic from your C# application.

Why do I see multiple HTTP requests in Wireshark for a single Azure API call from Python or CURL?

This might be due to the way Python and CURL handle connection pooling and keep-alive headers. When a connection is kept alive, subsequent requests are sent over the same connection, which can result in multiple HTTP requests being captured by Wireshark for a single Azure API call. You can try disabling keep-alive headers or connection pooling in your Python or CURL script to see individual requests.

Can I use Wireshark to inspect HTTPS traffic for Azure API calls from C#, Python, or CURL?

Yes, but with some caveats! Wireshark can decrypt HTTPS traffic if you have the private key of the SSL/TLS certificate used by the Azure API. You’ll need to configure Wireshark to use the private key and specify the encryption protocol used. Keep in mind that decrypting HTTPS traffic might require additional setup and permissions, depending on your organization’s security policies.