Temporal SKD does not return all workflow executions: A Troubleshooting Guide
Image by Toru - hkhazo.biz.id

Temporal SKD does not return all workflow executions: A Troubleshooting Guide

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Are you struggling to retrieve all workflow executions using Temporal SKD? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Temporal SKD and explore the possible reasons behind this issue. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to get you back on track!

What is Temporal SKD?

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly cover the basics. Temporal SKD (Software Development Kit) is a powerful tool that enables developers to build scalable and reliable workflows. It provides a programming model for building workflows, activities, and tasks, making it an ideal choice for complex business processes.

The Problem: Temporal SKD doesn’t return all workflow executions

So, you’ve built an amazing workflow using Temporal SKD, but when you try to retrieve all workflow executions, you’re only getting a partial list. Frustrating, right? This issue can occur due to various reasons, and we’ll explore each possible cause in this article.

Cause 1: Incorrect Configuration

Temporal SKD requires proper configuration to function correctly. When setting up your Temporal SKD client, ensure you’re using the correct namespace, workflow ID, and other essential parameters.

const client = new temporal.Client({
  namespace: 'your-namespace',
  workflowId: 'your-workflow-id',
  // Other required parameters

Double-check your configuration to ensure everything is accurate and matches your Temporal cluster setup.

Cause 2: pagination not handled correctly

When retrieving workflow executions, it’s essential to handle pagination correctly. Temporal SKD uses a pagination mechanism to limit the number of results returned in a single request. If you’re not handling pagination correctly, you might only receive a partial list of workflow executions.

const executions = await client.getWorkflowExecutions({
  namespace: 'your-namespace',
  workflowId: 'your-workflow-id',
  paginationToken: 'initial-token', // or a specific token

while (executions.hasNextPage) {
  executions = await client.getWorkflowExecutions({
    namespace: 'your-namespace',
    workflowId: 'your-workflow-id',
    paginationToken: executions.nextPageToken,
  // Process the executions

Make sure to iterate through the pages of results using the `paginationToken` and `nextPageToken` properties.

Cause 3: incorrect query filters

When querying workflow executions, you can apply filters to narrow down the results. However, if these filters are incorrect or too restrictive, you might not receive all expected workflow executions.

const executions = await client.getWorkflowExecutions({
  namespace: 'your-namespace',
  workflowId: 'your-workflow-id',
  query: {
    executionStatus: 'Running', // or other statuses
    startTime: {
      from: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      to: '2022-01-31T23:59:59Z'

Review your query filters and ensure they’re not too narrow or incorrect.

Cause 4: workflow execution history retention

Temporal SKD has a built-in mechanism for retaining workflow execution history. If the retention period is set too low, older workflow executions might be purged, causing them to not appear in the results.

Check your Temporal cluster configuration to ensure the retention period is set high enough to accommodate your workflow execution history.

Cause 5: network connectivity issues

Network connectivity problems can also cause issues when retrieving workflow executions. Ensure that your Temporal SKD client has a stable connection to the Temporal cluster.

Check your network configuration and verify that there are no firewalls or proxies blocking the connection.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s go through the troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Review your Temporal SKD configuration and ensure it’s correct.

  2. Verify that pagination is handled correctly, and you’re iterating through all pages of results.

  3. Check your query filters and ensure they’re not too restrictive or incorrect.

  4. Verify that the workflow execution history retention period is set high enough.

  5. Check for network connectivity issues and ensure a stable connection to the Temporal cluster.

  6. Enable Temporal SKD logging to debug the issue and identify any errors.


Temporal SKD is a powerful tool for building scalable and reliable workflows. However, when it doesn’t return all workflow executions, it can be frustrating. By following this troubleshooting guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying issue. Remember to review your configuration, handle pagination correctly, apply correct query filters, check retention periods, and ensure network connectivity.

Cause Solution
Incorrect Configuration Double-check configuration and ensure accuracy.
Pagination not handled correctly Iterate through pages of results using pagination tokens.
Incorrect query filters Review and adjust query filters to ensure correctness.
Workflow execution history retention Check retention period and adjust as needed.
Network connectivity issues Verify network configuration and ensure stable connection.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and retrieve all workflow executions using Temporal SKD. Happy troubleshooting!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Temporal SKD does not return all workflow executions” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Temporal SKD and workflow executions – we’ve got the answers!

Why doesn’t Temporal SKD return all workflow executions?

Temporal SKD might not return all workflow executions if the workflow executions are not properly closed or terminated. Make sure to check the workflow execution status and ensure that they are properly closed or terminated to get the complete list of executions.

How do I troubleshoot the issue of missing workflow executions?

To troubleshoot the issue, check the Temporal SKD logs for any errors or warnings, and verify that the workflow executions are properly configured and executed. You can also try using the Temporal CLI or SDK to list the workflow executions and check if they are returning the expected results.

What are some common reasons why workflow executions might be missing?

Some common reasons why workflow executions might be missing include incorrect workflow configuration, incorrect SDK version, network connectivity issues, or workflow executions that are not properly closed or terminated. Check the Temporal SKD documentation and troubleshooting guides for more information on resolving these issues.

Can I use Temporal SKD to retrieve workflow executions from a specific time range?

Yes, you can use Temporal SKD to retrieve workflow executions from a specific time range by using the `GetWorkflowExecutions` API and specifying the `StartTime` and `EndTime` filters. This allows you to retrieve workflow executions that started or completed within a specific time range.

How do I optimize my workflow executions to improve performance and reduce latency?

To optimize your workflow executions, make sure to design efficient workflows, use caching and retries strategically, and monitor your workflow performance using Temporal SKD metrics and tracing. You can also consider using workflow queues and worker pools to distribute the workload and reduce latency.

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